
Saturday 13 July 2013

Nature Republic Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel

almost any rash/irritation/itchiness/discomfort can be solved by this

this is one of Nature Republic's signature product and is always displayed at the doorsteps of their shops in Myeongdong
retailing at only 4,400원 for 300ml worth of product its super duper worth it
in fact, it is so good and famous that many other brands (such as the saem and tony moly) have copied and marketed it at higher aloe vera percentage/cheaper prices etc

my mother swears by this, i swear by this, my colleagues (now) swear by this
everyone swears by this!

i, in particular, use it everytime after i shave my legs to sooth it, and to salvage my face whenever it starts peeling from being too dry due to my aircon-needs
just 2 days ago, i cleansed my face for too long and too vigourously that my face started stinging and peeling like mad
and immediately! i turned to this product for help
true enough, it successfully restored moisture and calmity back to my face within 1 and a half days
i cannot be more thankful for this product!

given Singapore's weather, where its summer all year round, this product proves to be essential in helping to cool down too
everyday before i go out, i will always slap on some of this on my legs so that they can remain cool as i brave through concentrations of heatwaves

however, there are downsides to this product as well
given that it comes in a tub, hygiene is questionable since product has to be taken out by a secondary source (most of the time, my finger)
so that may generate contamination
also, this product has been known to expire within 6 months of opening so generous usage is vital (not that this is a problem though!)

nonetheless, i cannot live without this product as it is my life-saver for any sort of pain or discomfort!

having said that though, i sort of regret not buying the 'imitations' from other brands and doing a comparison
chances are that i'll be returning to korea again in december so maybe then, i'll buy and juxtapose!

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